North Country Health Consortium
North Country Regional Prevention Network

Coos County Juvenile Court Diversion Restorative Justice Program

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The Coos County Juvenile Court Diversion Restorative Justice Program is a voluntary alternative to court. Restorative Justice is a dignified, responsive, and solution centered, community-based approach to juvenile delinquency.


Program Mission

The mission of Coos County Juvenile Court Diversion Restorative Justice Program is to help first-time offenders who have committed minor infractions of the law make amends to their community for their actions and become positive members of their community while avoiding the formal judicial system and the possible crippling effects on what could be a promising future.


Restorative Justice

The reparative process promotes youth resiliency through strengths-based education, restitution, written apology to harmed parties, and community service.


How It Works

Steps in the Process


Juvenile commits a crime and is referred to the program by police, court, or school.


Juvenile and family meet with Juvenile Court Diversion Coordinator for intake interview.


Intake and screening completed by program staff to assess eligibility, needs, and strengths.


Juvenile attends Restorative Justice Panel with 3-4 trained community volunteers and the victim.  A reparative agreement contract is designed to repair harm, repay financial loss, and reduce the likelihood of re-offense.


Over the next 90 days, the juvenile is required to complete the contract.  The program staff will work with the youth and family based on assessed needs and risks.


Juvenile successfully completes the program after all elements of the contract are fulfilled.


No juvenile conviction upon successful completion.

We recognize that each case is unique. We encourage you to contact us to discuss individual circumstances prior to referral.  If an exception is in order, we will make every effort to work with you to determine the best fit.



Joy Noel:  Program Coordinator



Standard 7.1.0  CCJCD Juvenile Referral Form
Standard 7.14.0  Community Resources
Standard 4.1.0_b  Transfer Form